Tuesday 11 March 2014



Recently I've been thinking about changing my hair colour to something new.
I already purchased some Directions brand dyes. But I keep to-ing and fro-ing about whether or not I will actually go ahead and dye my hair.

First of all, the initial problem is my studies.
It's not like America here and even in sixth form we still have rules and regulations about having 'unnatural' and 'innapropriate' hair colours.
I've had this war before, when my hair was bright (and I mean BRIGHT) red, but last time I did, my head of sixth form backed off.
I don't know if that means it's now okay for me to go ahead and just dye my hair and plod into school like 'fuck you all' or not.
I certainly wouldn't be popular with the teachers, though. 

I purchased Directions 'Carnation Pink' and 'Apricot' dyes. They're soooo bright, which is what I want. I also think that having orange hair goes well with my sheet-white fair complexion XDDD

I imagine it will turn out something like this, since my hair is a similar style - except I'd like it to be brighter because I'm way cray xD

As you can see in this photo of how bright the dyes actually are......

I also bought some contact lenses recently. It's been maybe 3 weeks since I ordered them and I'm waiting for them to be delivered - which feels like FOREVER and I still need to buy some contact lens solution yet.
They are circle lenses, of course, and only 14mm diameter. They're black, so they will clearly have a DRAMATIC effect on my eyes because they are naturally blue.
I feel a little bit nervous because I've never worn contacts before, so I'm scared that they'll be painful or I'll have some problems getting them in and out.
I'm also aware of the risk of infection, which is pretty terrifying to think about. But I'll definitely do my best to be as safe and cautious with them as I can be.
Who knows? Maybe they'll look really good with my new hair (which I think I shall dye in half term - which is maybe 5 weeks away now :| so far.)

Orange and pink hair would maybe look better on me than like green?
I like pugs.

Sweets, Soup, Students, Sunshine, Shopping and Friends



Thanks to the new people who viewed my blog recently. I was so pleased to get new Twitter followers too. You're all so friendly and I love talking with you all - so let's keep talking.
【By the way, my Twitter is Here , Tumblr is Here and my Facebook is Here

I crave biscuits so much today . _ . mm, shortbread. 

Anyway, today I met with some really cute Japanese students. They are attending one of the high schools that I go to to study Spanish (As part of my sixth form studies). They are only here for two weeks but they were so cute and their English is fantastic.
I especially made friends with a girl called Mebae. She's been studying English since the age of 3, and although she has an American accent, she speaks so well.  

It motivates me somewhat to study Japanese some more. 

I also got to try cha no ka (茶の菓) for the first time today; and omfg it's so good... It's like a biscuit sandwich made with green tea, sandwiching some smooth white chocolate in the middle. It's so delicious....
Even if the colour does make me feel like I'm eating Shrek or something....

Honestly, these last two days I felt pretty down, but I'm really cheered up by the fact that the weather has been good for the last couple of days.
I try to keep positive, but yesterday I had to go and see my school head of sixth form, and also the school's student support manager, who encouraged me to make myself a doctor's appointment on Friday.
I'd never made an appointment by myself before, so I was nervous to even pick up the phone, but as soon as I'd done it I started to feel a little better, and more comfortable to do it next time if I ever need to. 

Look how blue the sky was today, though!
It wasn't the warmest temperatures, but such blue skies are like living in America or something xD

On the topic of today, I made soup with Mum.

It's leek and potato type, and I was scared of making the blender explode everywhere.
Initially it looked a lot like puke just after it was blended. But by the time it  was heated up and finished it became smooth and really delicious.
I don't really like vegetables so much when they're chunky. Especially leeks and onions, so when they were blended into soup they definitely tasted MUCH better.

Now, the finished product................................


Saturday 8 March 2014


So, over the last 3 weeks some students came to stay with us from Kyoto University of Foreign Studies. 
It's not quite an 'exchange program' as such, but they come and stay with a host family for 3 weeks whilst attending Keele University here (which they go to during the day), and on weekends we take them to places and keep them entertained.
This year was my family's third year as a part of the program, and I was really excited about being able to improve my Japanese with the students and also help them to learn English.
I'd like to train as an English teacher and move over to Japan, so for me this seemed like an excellent start.

Our students' names were Momoka (Momo) and Kaori, and their English was the best from all of the students that I've met so far,  so I'm really relieved that communication with them wasn't so difficult.
They were so cute and very eager to learn, I  found that I could relate a lot with them and I'm relieved that they understood the sense of humour of me and my family (´∀`)♡

On the first day, the girls presented us with some really adorable omiyage (お土産 = gift from abroad / souvenir from Japan), and I was really happy because I tried new Japanese snacks. They were delicious and I was also overjoyed because I really love KUMAMON!! It was a really sweet surprise for us! ♡♡

During the visit we also introduced the students to English supermarkets, and on the second weekend they cooked an incredible Japanese meal for us, with sashimi, ginger pork and sushi rolls. I really enjoyed it, and was interested to learn about it, and glad that its barely calorific. 
The miso soup was amazing, and I genuinely mean it. I don't like onions but they tasted fantastic in the soup. 
I wanna eat it again - and my stomach is growling as I think about it omg.


My best friend Mel got to meet the students on the first Saturday, and we played Jenga and a board game called Khufu the Mummy. But the English language in the game was maybe too complex. So I don't think it was enjoyable for the students. I felt apologetic that it was so boring..
However, the other weekends were better when we went out shopping and to the evening parties. My parents also took the students to the farm to see the smiling pony. 

Honestly, I'll miss them so much..
There were also other students who I bonded with from other host families, and I feel really honored to become their friends too. This year certainly was a very good experience. 
I hope I can meet with some of the wonderful people again.
I know that travelling from Japan to England, and vise-versa, is SO expensive. But it would be nice to see them again. If not in person, then I hope that we will all stay in close contact.


【Thank you for staying with us, and thank you for all of the memories you gave to me. It was so nice to meet you, and I wish you luck in future, and anything you decide to do; any path you wish to follow. 】